I thought the semi-permanent campsite question was perfectly clear. The only clarifying details they could have added were whether they wanted to hire professionals or do-it-themselves, and how much they wanted to spend on modifying the site. If they specified a budget, then it might have been closed as asking for shopping advice!
They have several acres in the woods of South Carolina (an area where rednecks are not totally unknown); they will visit the site infrequently and are concerned about vandalism. How can they develop the site to reduce the hassle of setting up camp every time they visit, but not make the site attractive enough for trespassers or vandals?
Maybe I am sadly lacking in imagination, but I don't see any lack of clarity.
They are asking us for guidance and what we tell them is that they need to define their problem to the verge of solving it before they ask us for advice!
PS: I just read the comment of @imsodin -- cheers for explaining what you found unclear -- but this is the woods of South Carolina, not the wilds of northern Canada. It is reasonable to assume the site is fairly accessible. "Passers-by" is a clue.
@Willeke didn't seem puzzled about the question -- she gave the sort of answer that should make these people return when they are experienced enough to have highly focused questions.