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9 votes

Add a Moderator?

TGO does indeed have three mods. However, moderation and the number of ♦'s taking care of a site is all about scale. TGO has very experienced moderators (as evidenced by moderating other sites) and ...
studiohack's user avatar
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7 votes

Add a Moderator?

Let me correct a couple of misapprehensions: I know you may not be able to see it, but our moderators are active here, carrying out duties. Also, speaking for myself, there is ample time to carry ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 25.1k
7 votes

Add a Moderator?

The real question is: does TGO have housekeeping problems that haven't been solved, or that have taken too long to solve? I don't think so. If we had more traffic on the site, we probably would need ...
ab2's user avatar
  • 24.3k
6 votes

In support of TGO's moderators on hiatus

New Related post How can we help Monica Cellio? Monica's demotion as a moderator was in the words of Stack Exchange's CTO a procedural error . The consensus among witnesses and users is that the ...
James Jenkins's user avatar

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