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Charlie Brumbaugh
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clean up my question
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Is it appropriate to ask historical questions about the great outdoors on our forums?

For instance, I have had no luck answering the following question:

What gear did John Muir actually take on long trips?

As a Californian, John Muir is the legend of the outdoors. But the stories around what gear he took with him backpacking hardly seem plausible (no food, but also no hunting equipment?) I want a solid gear list.

Or how about something from further back in time:

How did people traveling in medieval Europe protect themselves and their food from bears and wolves at night?

I mean, did medieval people tie their food bundles up with rope between two trees? Did they just have to tend a fire all night long?

Even ignoring the specifics of these two questionsthat question, are historical questions about the great outdoors and survival fit for our forums?

Is it appropriate to ask historical questions about the great outdoors on our forums?

For instance, I have had no luck answering the following question:

What gear did John Muir actually take on long trips?

As a Californian, John Muir is the legend of the outdoors. But the stories around what gear he took with him backpacking hardly seem plausible (no food, but also no hunting equipment?) I want a solid gear list.

Or how about something from further back in time:

How did people traveling in medieval Europe protect themselves and their food from bears and wolves at night?

I mean, did medieval people tie their food bundles up with rope between two trees? Did they just have to tend a fire all night long?

Even ignoring the specifics of these two questions, are historical questions about the great outdoors and survival fit for our forums?

Is it appropriate to ask historical questions about the great outdoors on our forums?

For instance, I have had no luck answering the following question:

What gear did John Muir actually take on long trips?

As a Californian, John Muir is the legend of the outdoors. But the stories around what gear he took backpacking hardly seem plausible (no food, but also no hunting equipment?) I want a solid gear list.

Even ignoring the specifics of that question, are historical questions about the great outdoors and survival fit for our forums?

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Is it appropriate to ask historical questions about the great outdoors on our forums?

For instance, I have had no luck answering the following question:

What gear did John Muir actually take with himon long trips?

As a Californian, John Muir is athe legend of backpacking and the outdoors. But the legendsstories around what gear he took with him backpacking hardly seem plausible (no food, but also no hunting equipment?) I want a solid gear list.

Or how about something from further back in time:

How did people traveling in medieval Europe protect themselves and their food from bears and wolves at night?

I mean, did medieval people tie their food bundles up with rope between two trees? Did they just have to tend a fire all night long?

Even ignoring the specifics of these two questions, are historical questions about the great outdoors and survival fit for our forums?

Is it appropriate to ask historical questions about the great outdoors on our forums?

For instance, I have had no luck answering the following question:

What gear did John Muir actually take with him?

As a Californian, John Muir is a legend of backpacking and the outdoors. But the legends around what gear he took with him hardly seem plausible (no food, but also no hunting equipment?) I want a solid gear list.

Or how about something from further back in time:

How did people traveling in medieval Europe protect themselves and their food from bears and wolves at night?

I mean, did medieval people tie their food bundles up with rope between two trees? Did they just have to tend a fire all night long?

Even ignoring the specifics of these two questions, are historical questions about the great outdoors and survival fit for our forums?

Is it appropriate to ask historical questions about the great outdoors on our forums?

For instance, I have had no luck answering the following question:

What gear did John Muir actually take on long trips?

As a Californian, John Muir is the legend of the outdoors. But the stories around what gear he took with him backpacking hardly seem plausible (no food, but also no hunting equipment?) I want a solid gear list.

Or how about something from further back in time:

How did people traveling in medieval Europe protect themselves and their food from bears and wolves at night?

I mean, did medieval people tie their food bundles up with rope between two trees? Did they just have to tend a fire all night long?

Even ignoring the specifics of these two questions, are historical questions about the great outdoors and survival fit for our forums?

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