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7 votes

What was it about the comments on #19606 that violated "Be Nice"?

The comments were flagged up for a mod, so I had a look. I left you the comment, and deleted the entire thread, because I agreed with it. Graham's answer was appropriate based on the information you ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 25.1k
5 votes

What was it about the comments on #19606 that violated "Be Nice"?

As the author of that answer... As a long-time walker, I see too many people hit the hills who are completely unprepared. Most mountain rescue calls are for those people. If you'd said in your ...
Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

What was it about the comments on #19606 that violated "Be Nice"?

I flagged the whole thing as needing moderator attention. There wasn't one comment or any single action that made me do it. I can see how one can take the answer as condescending, even though it was ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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3 votes

What was it about the comments on #19606 that violated "Be Nice"?

Without seeing the comment, it is impossible to say what was "not nice" about it. I read the answer and I found absolutely nothing rude about it. Was it condescending? It assumed you were a ...
ab2's user avatar
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