Example of what most SE sites consider 'bad' questions seem to be widely acclaimed by users on this site. e.g. recent questions Drinking alcohol as the last choice in survival situation is a theoretical situation that the op does not expect will ever happen to him or anyone else. Refer his comment.
It was basically a thought experiment. All I wanted was a rational answer for the best option.
What sort of rock climbing grade can a goat do is a Gorilla vs.Shark question which fails the "How does knowing the answer to this question make me or anyone else a better outdoors person" test.
As a user of other sites I believe outdoors is being polluted by a large number of low quality questions that other sites would instantly rejected. The community is small, and keen and understandably wants to get the Q/A Count up, but we risk lowering quality of the site, driving away the experts we need, in the drive to get it big enough.
Have I got this completely wrong, and these are acceptable, or should we be encouraging a more critical view of what makes a good question for a SE site. If a more critical view is needed, how do we encourage it?
(Both those questions some values as light entertainment but they both also make the site just another 'Yahoo Answers' - not somewhere I visit for authorative information)