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How can I turn off the feature that notifies me via e-mail of comments on my posts?

I get an e-mail notification whenever someone has commented on my posts. How do I turn this feature off? I do not find reminders helpful -- maybe when I become gaga, but that is not now. Also, right ...
ab2's user avatar
  • 24.3k
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2 answers

How to revive The Base Camp?

I must admit that I haven't been around, but I did try getting to the chat: The Base Camp and it seems to have been frozen due to lack of activity. Is there a way to revive this room?
WedaPashi's user avatar
  • 31.8k
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Want to post a photo on this month's contest, BUT

I want to post a photo on this month's contest, OOPS, but to my shame, I don't know how. Actually, I've had decent photos for all the contests, but it is just now that I have decided to ask for help. ...
ab2's user avatar
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How can I reach the entire moderator team at once, to let them know I'd like private advice from one or more?

This is a procedural question. How can we reach all the moderators of the site at one time, especially if I want private advice. The purpose would never be to take them away from the hard, ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the policy regarding flags on comments in chat rooms?

Each comment in The Base Camp chat room has a flag beside it. Hovering over it says "flag this message as spam, inappropriate or offensive." I have a few questions about that flag and its ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
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Can a "spoiler" be used to hide a video?

I've seen "spoilers" on some sites, where the text or picture is "hidden" behind some sort of box. If you hover over the box, you can see what's under it. The point is that if you don't want to see it,...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How does a question get bumped without any apparent activity?

This old question how-to-find-new-poles-for-old-tent showed up in my list of questions. The list says "modified yesterday fred 1" but I see no apparent activity by anyone named fred or anyone else. ...
Martin F's user avatar
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Tag merge request: toilet-etiquette and human-waste

I think we should merge the tags toilet-etiquette and human-waste. Although people might come up with (hypothetical) questions covered by one and not the other, the overlap is substantial and a ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 27.5k
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If users vote to close the same question for different reasons, which reason appears when it closes?

According to the What does it mean if a question is closed or on-hold? page in our Help Center, it takes five close votes from users with at least 500 reputation to put a question on hold, which can ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
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Can a tag that has been deleted be re-created using the same name?

I learned from How to delete a tag? that If the tag has 0 questions associated with it, do not submit a tag deletion request. Tags with no questions under them are automatically deleted by the ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What should I do when a new user posts a lot of low quality, late answers to old questions, at the same time?

On July 22, 2017 a new user posted short, not very helpful, late answers to approximately 14 questions. It took place between 22:54 utc and 23:59 utc. I first noticed the pattern because they all ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
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What's the procedure for having an answer converted to a comment?

Sometimes, especially when reviewing posts, I see answers come in from new users which don't work as answers. Some would be helpful comments, but the user doesn't have anywhere near the 50 rep needed ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Do we need to tag explicit hunting questions somehow?

I've a few questions which may seem a bit irritating for persons under 16 (18?) or with a particular view/belief on things. I'm talking about hunting questions with explicit content. Things like "how ...
OddDeer's user avatar
  • 23.5k
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How to react to spam in edits?

So, this just happened: I've never seen a "spam edit" before, so I want to know what actions to take in such a case? I've just rejected the edit with the "spam" selection set.
OddDeer's user avatar
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Is it okay for a user to link to a different person's profile, if they already have a post on the page?

A suggested edit to an answer came up in the queue today. It's an excellent edit and worthy of approval, and I love to encourage editors! I was definitely going to approve it, but wasn't sure if it ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
3 votes
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Can a moderator please merge my two accounts, one of which was created before I registered?

My very first question on TGO, Where can we go backpacking out West under 8,500 feet that has much of the feel of much higher altitudes, is stuck in the account I was assigned before I registered. ...
ab2's user avatar
  • 24.3k
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Why does close as Off-Topic only feature our meta as option?

I wanted to vote to close this question as off-topic so that it might be migrated to biology SE (discussion on this was once started here). I could not do so as only our meta is featured as option ...
imsodin's user avatar
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Purely technical question about putting a link in a Q or an A

To illustrate my problem, see Have attacks on humans by raptors other than owls been documented, excluding cases where they were defending their nests? You will see that I have three references to ...
ab2's user avatar
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Is my question about altimeters, as edited, eligible to be reopened?

Is my edit about altimeters enough to reopen the question?What are the pros and cons of a digital altimeter over an analog altimeter for backpacking? If not, what do you suggest? I need some ...
ab2's user avatar
  • 24.3k
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3 answers

Merge [canyoneering] with [canyoning], and [abseiling] with [rappelling]

canyoning and canyoneering are essentially the same thing, just with regional variation in what it's called. I propose that these tags be merged and a synonym created to avoid confusion. I've ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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Layout has changed. How to undo it?

Is it possible to use the old layout of TGO? Everything is bright as the sun, I think I need some sunglasses here (at night!).
Wills's user avatar
  • 12.2k
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Rappelling or abseiling?

I was recently reading this article and it had an interesting insight that I think is relevant to us: Why do American climbers call it “Rappelling”? They chose the French term for sliding down a rope ...
user avatar
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Why am I getting this behavior?

I just logged into my account today and saw this sort of a notification if I can call it. It first showed the 4 items for review. I reviewed one of them and then the rest disappeared, I thought that ...
WedaPashi's user avatar
  • 31.8k
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Unanswered queue

Why is this topic in the unanswered queue? Why is a "Czech bed roll" called this? History, uses?
Wills's user avatar
  • 12.2k
-1 votes
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Can we please Burninate the Mountain Identifying tag?

Can we please Burninate the mountain-identifying tag? It shouldn't be on topic and may lead people to think that these questions are acceptable.
user avatar
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Once (if?) we get out of beta, do reputation-levels for privileges increase retroactively?

Reputation levels to gain access to privileges are very different on non-beta sites. Do those levels get adjusted retroactively once a site graduates? What I mean by that is, If I have a certain ...
DudeOnRock's user avatar
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Are questions on repairing typical outdoors clothes and footwear ontopic?

Suppose I want to ask a question about how I can seal the hole on my shoes outsole (that appeared after I stepped onto a nail) with enough details on the shoe material of course. That looks like ...
sharptooth's user avatar
8 votes
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"hygiene" and "hygeine" tags should be merged

There are both, a hygiene and a hygeine tag. Please merge those two tags into the correctly spelled one! I hope this is the right place to bring this up, I wasn't sure.
SierraCalifornicus's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does favorite question notification work?

Is the feature of notifying the user about any changes to a favorite question implemented or not? If it is, I've noticed that it doesn't work, since I don't receive any notifications on favorite ...
slybloty's user avatar
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Synonym: torches->flashlights

By some wording in recent posts, I was reminded that the British English-speaking parts of the world use "torch" to refer to what we Americans call a "flashlight," so, I think we should make them ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Extending Bounty

As most of you are aware, this question about coolers is generating some good discussion... however, I am wondering how I can extend the bounty time period. Mostly because I will be traveling ...
Lost's user avatar
  • 19.1k
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Tag synonyms: [insects] -> [bugs]

These two tags seem to have an awful lot of overlap. The bugs tag description basically says it's a superset of insects. I think we should make insects a synonym of bugs, as I don't think there will ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Community Wiki Protocol?

This question Which careers allow working in the wild on a daily basis? seems like a good candidate for a Community Wiki: Lots of answers, no particular "right" answer... however the person who ...
Lost's user avatar
  • 19.1k
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Tag synonyms - [gear] and [equipment]

I think these two are close enough to merit a synonym, anyone object to gear->equipment?
Kevin's user avatar
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Can't create a [snakes] tag

I tried to retag a question with the tag snakes (plural as suggested here). But I'm getting the following error: Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: Creating the new tag [snakes] ...
Jasper's user avatar
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